Ben Foster Talks About His Wings

Posted on May 30, 2006

One of the new mutants in X-Men: The Last Stand is Angel, played by actor Ben Foster. Foster has to wear giant wings in the film, but he says it wasn't as grueling as you might think to wear them all day; in fact he quite enjoyed having wings.

Foster told Sci-Fi in an interview, "It was really cool. You stand differently when you have wings on your back. They were not heavy. They were made of really light [material]. It's weird telling secrets, because when I watch [something], I get really excited, and when I hear how they did it, [it] bums me out. 'Oh, yeah, well, that's foam.'"

Foster also says, "It wasn't thrilling at four in the morning having strangers glue things to your back in the cold Vancouver air. But it wasn't grueling. It was unpleasant at first, and it was more unpleasant taking them off, because it's heavy glue and real wings taken off the skin. But once they're on, you feel great. It's maybe a drag [again] at four in the afternoon, [when] you haven't worked, and you can't sit. Angels don't sit, apparently, so they just kind of pose and stand or sleep on couches face-down. So that's kind of a drag, but not grueling."

Wings would be cool -- but not being able to sit down sounds like a drag.

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