Jimmy Fallon Interviews Sofia Vergara

Posted on April 5, 2012

Jimmy Fallon interview Sofia Vergara ahead of her Saturday Night Live hosting gig. Sofia says she cannot do an American accident and failed when Fallon tried to get her to do one.

Sofia says she tried working with an expensive speech coach, but she says her accent got worse with a speech coach. She can be sent next in the upcoming film, The Three Stooges. Sofia says she always wanted to work with the Farrelly brothers, who direct the film.

Sofia wore a sparkling blue dress with black pumps for her 2012 visit. You can see some photos on Stylebistro.

Fallon later upgraded to The Tonight Show. When he had Sofia back as a guest he wanted to here her accented voice with a higher pitch. Fallon had sofia suck helium for a balloon and say, "My name is Sofia Vergara.".

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