Ready for Indiana Jones, Part 5?

Posted on May 16, 2008

Yes, that's right. The current Indiana Jones movie hasn't even opened yet, but George Lucas has already said that he's considering doing more Indy movies, but starring Shia LaBeouf. Harrison Ford would be relegated to the background. Lucas wants Shia to be the lead character.

Fox News reports that Lucas said, "I haven't even told Steven or Harrison this. But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out. And it's not like Harrison is even old. I mean, he's 65 and he did everything in this movie. The old chemistry is there, and it's not like he's an old man. He's incredibly agile; he looks even better than he did 20 years ago, if you ask me."

Lucas also says he's not worried about early mixed buzz on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull..

Shia LaBeouf to take over the Indiana Jones series? Really? We haven't seen Crystal Skull yet, so will reserve judgment. But after reading this horrifying interview Shia did with GQ magazine, we just don't know. Talk about your oversharing! Twelve years old. Unbelievably gross.

Update: There is going to be a fifth Indiana Jones film and thankfully Indiana will not be killed off. It is probably still two or three years away. The target date is 2019. You can find out more details here.

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