Movie to be Made Based on Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys

Posted on August 24, 2006

Variety reports that Michael Birnbaum has cut a deal with Transcience Corp. to create a movie based on the Sea-Monkeys toys.

Empire Pictures has struck a deal with Transcience Corp. to develop an animated film and possible franchise from the infamous children's toy line "The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys." Under the deal, Empire acquired entertainment rights to the line, which has been on the market for 45 years and sold in more than 50 countries.

Empire founder and prexy Michael Birnbaum is focusing first on an animated feature, but possible spinoffs down the line could include a television series and merchandising. Birnbaum currently is meeting with writers to develop a take for the story before shopping the project to studios.

Sea-Monkeys are still sold today. You can find them on the official Sea-Monkeys website. Cinematical thinks Birnbaum might be envisioning success like the Smurfs tv series experienced. However, the Smurfs were much cuter than brine shrimp can be made to be.

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