Hobbit Wins Box Office for Third Consecutive Weekend

Posted on December 30, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey has won the box office for the third consecutive weekend. The visually stunning and highly entertaining film fended off tough competition from Django Unchained and Les Miserables. The Hobbit made another $32.9 million to bring its domestic gross to $222 million. The total worldwide gross for The Hobbit is now over $686 million. It is already 70th on the all-time list of worldwide grosses. The new films opening this weekend are Texas Chainsaw 3D and A Dark Truth, so the potential is there for the amazing Hobbit movie to win the box office for a fourth straight weekend.

Django Unchained made $30.7 million in 3,010 theaters during its opening weekend. It was followed by Les Miserables, which opened made $28 million. Parental Guidance came in fourth and made $14.8 million. It was followed by Jack Reacher, This is 40 and Lincoln. You can see the complete box office report here.

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