Jericho Show Saved With Nuts

Posted on January 24, 2008

Last year Jericho fans were extremely upset to hear that their post-Apocalyptic drama had been cancelled. The show has some very serious fans.

They decided to retaliate with a campaign to send thousands of pounds of peanuts to CBS. The effort worked and CBS brought back the show after receiving tons and tons of nuts.

USA Today reports that fans sent $54,820 worth of orders from NutsOnline to CBS executives. The nuts reference comes from General Anthony McAuliffe's refusal to surrender to the Germans.

Six months have passed and CBS now has this video about how Jericho fans saved the show (which is on CBS) with their mailing nuts campaign. Jericho is expected to be back on the air on CBS on February 12, 2008 at 10 PM on CBS.

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