New Liberace Trailer: Matt Damon, Plastic Surgery and Lots of Sequins

Posted on April 10, 2013

At last, the full trailer for Steven Soderbergh's Behind The Candelabra: The Secret Life Of Liberace has been released and it's pretty mind-boggling. Apparently Liberace (Michael Douglas) convinced his boyfriend Scott Thorson (Matt Damon) to have plastic surgery so that he would look like a younger version of Liberace himself. Presumably this was so Liberace could date himself? Naturally this storyline leads to Damon's character Scott screaming during an argument, "I don't even have my own face!!"

That scene is hard to catch, given that it is sandwiched between lightening fast shots of ballet dancers, the Rolls Royce limo, Liberace's amazing, dazzling wardrobe, the over the top house, the hot tub and -- our favorite -- Rob Lowe as plastic surgeon Dr. Jack Startz. Startz practiced what he preached -- his face is stretched tighter than a drum and Rob reportedly suffered migraines from the prosthetics he had to wear for the role. Dan Aykroyd and Debbie Reynolds also star. The HBO movie, which is based on Thorson's memoir, airs on May 26th. Check it out:

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