Ridley Scott Acquires Film Rights to The Forever War

Posted on October 15, 2008

Boing Boing reports that Ridely Scott has acquired the film rights to Joe Haldeman's Hugo and Nebula Award winning novel, The Forever War.

Ridley Scott has acquired the film-rights to Joe Haldeman's magnificent, Hugo-award-winning classic science fiction novel, The Forever War. This is one of the great anti-war novels of all time. As I wrote about it in 2003, "I picked up a copy of Joe Haldeman's classic novel The Forever War last night as a gift for a friend, but I'm going to keep it. I got to re-reading it last night (for the first time in nearly 20 years) and couldn't put it down.
The Guardian reports that The Forever War will be Scott's next film project after Nottingham and not Brave New World as was previously thought. The market is pretty saturated with historical war films right now because of the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan but maybe the time is right for a serious war film set in the future.

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