SNL Skewers Tech Bloggers in Skit Called Tech Talk: iPhone 5

Posted on October 14, 2012

One of SNL's best skits last night was "Tech Talk: iPhone 5" in which the cast skewered tech bloggers from Wired, Gizmodo and CNET for their petty complaints about the iPhone 5. Christina Applegate is the moderator who listens sympathetically to their complaints about the phone's inability to get great photos when pointed directly into the sun, the fact that the phone is too light and too thin and how awful Apple Maps is (okay, that one is worth complaining about).

The moderator then brings out three Chinese workers who actually make the phones under horrible conditions. Needless to say, the workers are not impressed with the complaints, demonstrating the "traditional sarcastic dance." When asked to critique American products, one worker (Fred Armisen) quipped, "Let's see, what does America make? Does diabetes count as a product?" Take a look:

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