Waiting For Our Heroes to Return

Posted on January 3, 2007

Photo of the cast of Heroes

We can't wait for the hiatus to end and for Heroes to return on January 21, 2007 (on NBC at 10 pm Eastern time). In the meantime, creator Tim Kring has been talking about the series. Apparently, he was shocked at how many families with small children are watching the show, which has quite a bit of violence in it. So he's going to make the show a bit more family-friendly.

Kring recently sat on a panel at a Family Friendly Programming Forum in Beverly Hills where it became apparent that the show may be too violent for the young-uns' who are watching.

"We were trying to get a hip audience of twentysomethings and college kids, but I have been taken by surprise by how many families watch the show," Kring acknowledged.

"I feel like we have to back off some of the very graphic stuff," said Kring. "The genre calls for a certain amount of violence. The cheerleader sticking her hand in a garbage disposal still gets an 'Ooh!' in a good way."

There is also a new character that's coming to the series: an invisible man British actor Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who).

Tim Kring tells TV Guide, "He's been living with his invisibility for many years and has come to grips with it, so he'll give us a different view into this hero world. He's big, imposing and charismatic, and will become a mentor to Peter - albeit a tough, reluctant and stern one. He'll help Peter learn to use and control his powers."

Christopher Eccleston will be amazing -- we are so ready for this hiatus to end. Although, we have to say that we are still furious over the abrupt cancellation of Day Break starring Taye Diggs. Now we will never know why Detective Hopper's day kept restarting. And we're not happy about that.

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