Battlestar Galactica

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Here are the latest posts about Battlestar Galactica on Watchers Watch:

Bryan Singer to Direct New Battlestar Galactica Film: Variety reports that Bryan Singer will direct a feature film version of Battlestar Galactica. (2009-08-13)

A Battlestar Galactica Primer: Salon has an in-depth primer about Battlestar Galactica which is quite interesting. (2008-04-07)

Battlestar Galactica Premieres Early Online: Battlestar Galactica returns to television this Friday, April 4, 2008. (2008-04-02)

Battlestar Galactica Cast to Visit David Letterman: Ten stars of Battlestar Galactica will descend upon the David Letterman show to present a Top Ten List on March 19th. (2008-03-13)

Battlestar Galactica to Live On in Comics: Battlestar Galactica will live on in comics after the upcoming final television season. (2007-08-22)

The End of Battlestar Galactica: Battlestar Galactica will end after its fifth season. (2007-06-01)

Ron Moore Talks Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Finale: Battlestar Galactica producer Ron Moore explains what exactly was happening in the season finale. (2007-03-30)

The Thing Returns: The classic science fiction film, The Thing is going to be remade according to Variety. (2006-11-22)

Battlestar Galactica Goes to the Dark Side: Season Three of Battlestar Galactica premiered last night and we were literally on the edge of our seats. (2006-10-07)

Battlestar Galactica Teases Fans With Webisodes: As fans eagerly await the season premiere of Sci Fi's hit show Battlestar Galactica, they can catch up with what's happening on New Caprica with a set of free webisodes that set the stage for the upcoming season. (2006-09-07)