Here are the latest posts about John Cusack on Watchers Watch:
Samuel L. Jackson and John Cusack Fight Cellphone Zombies in Cell Trailer: Samuel L. Jackson and John Cusack are on the run from cell phone zombies in the first trailer for Cell, which is based on the Stephen King novel. (2016-04-26)
Trailer for The Bag Man Starring John Cusack and Robert De Niro: Trailer for The Bag Man starring John Cusack, Robert De Niro and Rebecca Da Costa. (2014-02-15)
Nicolas Cage Pursues Serial Killer in Frozen Ground: Nicolas Cage chases a serial killer in Frozen Ground, a film based on an actual serial killer in Achorage, Alaska. (2013-06-14)
Trailer for Hot Tub Time Machine: For all you Hangover fans who are waiting for Hangover 2, there's something to tide you over. (2010-03-26)
2012 Dominates the Box Office: 2012 easily won the box office this weekend with a $65 million gross. This put it ahead of A Christmas Carol, which made $22 million. (2009-11-15)
2012 Debuts Tomorrow: Roland Emmerich's disaster epic 2012 starring John Cusack opens tomorrow and studio heads are hoping that the film decimates the competition at the box office. (2009-11-12)
Trailer for 2012 Starring John Cusack and Thandie Newton: Here's the new trailer for the film 2012 starring John Cusak, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton and Danny Glover. (2009-06-20)
John Cusack Talks War, Inc.: John Cusack talks about his new film, War, Inc. (2008-04-28)
New War Inc. Trailer is Here: An upcoming film that has been getting a lot of buzz is War, Inc. (2008-04-14)