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Here are the latest posts about Terminator on Watchers Watch:

Jurassic World Tops Box Office for Fourth Consecutive Weekend: Jurassic World won the box office again this weekend. It was followed by Inside Out and Terminator Genisys. (2015-07-05)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Back in First Terminator Genisys Trailer: Arnold Schwarzenegger plays both the older and younger versions of his Terminator in this first trailer for Terminator: Genisys. Emilia Clarke is Sarah Connor. (2014-12-04)

Terminator Reboot Coming in 2015: Skydance Productions, Annapurna Pictures and Paramount Pictures have jointly announced they will partner on Terminator reboot. (2013-07-28)

Terminator Salvation Producers in Apocalyptic Legal Battle: One of the producers of Terminator: Salvation movie, Moritz Borman, is suing two other producers, Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek and their company Halcyon Co. (2009-03-09)

James Lipton Reenacts the Christian Bale Rant: James Lipton reenacts the Christian Bale rant for Conan. Colbert also got into it with Steve Martin for wandering around his set. (2009-02-06)

Christian Bale's Terminator Meltdown: Christian Bale got very angry on the set of Terminator: Salvation. The incident was recorded by the sound team. (2009-02-02)

Terminator Salvation Concept Artwork: Some scary new Terminator forms in the concept artwork above that is for the upcoming Terminator Salvation movie. (2008-11-14)

Fox May Cancel Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles: SyFyPortal reports that Fox is extremely unhappy with the rating drop off for Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles and is ready to pull the plug on the show. (2008-09-30)

The Terminator Spoiler of All Spoilers: What a nightmare for director McG: AintitCool totally spoiled the end of the upcoming film, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. (2008-06-04)

The End of the World as We Know It?: Here's an upbeat, must-see tv show tonight: "Last Days on Earth" airs tonight on the History Channel at 7:00 p. (2008-04-20)

Terminator Season Finale is Tonight: Tonight is the two hour season finale of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox. (2008-03-03)

Terminator Returns Tonight With the Queen's Gambit: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles returns to television tonight at 9:00 p. (2008-02-11)

The Sarah Connor Chronicles Starts Tonight: The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles debuts on Fox tonight and tomorrow night in a two part premiere. (2008-01-13)