Beyonce Plays Tokyo, Beijing, Skips Malaysia

Posted on October 24, 2009

On Friday night Beyonce played just one night in Beijing for an estimated 10,000 people who, according to China Daily, were absolutely enthralled with her performance.

Zhang Jing, a member of Beijing's Beyonce fan club, says, "She gave the best of what she has got, and the best-received song was 'If I Were A Boy.' Her covers of Michael Jackson's songs were the most surprising addition to her repertoire. She offered a wonderful lesson for local entertainers to learn from with her exceptional presentation, dancing, vocals and staging."

Sadly, Beyonce fans in Malaysia will not get to see her live. Beyonce's concert in Malaysia was canceled after a dispute with Muslim authorities over the raciness of Beyonce's costumes.

Before she visited China, Beyonce was in Tokyo, Japan, for a fashion event for Samantha Thavasa and a performance. She and her sister Solange showed off the new Samantha Thavasa handbag collaboration with Disney.

Beyonce says, "I might take a little break because I've been working so hard for so many years. But I love what I do so usually when I'm on vacation I sneak away to the studio and end up still working because, like I said, I feel very fortunate to do what I love."

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