Here are the latest posts about Henry Cavill on Watchers Watch:
Trailer for Extended Version of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice: The extended version of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in July and the trailer shows lots of new footage and a totally different tone to the film. (2016-06-03)
Henry Cavill is a Stylish Spy in The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Trailer: Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer star in the first trailer for Guy Ritchie's reboot of the 1960s Cold War TV show The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015-02-13)
Warner Bros. Announces Title: Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice: Warner Bros. announced the official title of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The movie will be a set up for a Justice League film. (2014-05-21)
Warner Bros. Pushes Back Batman vs. Superman Release Date to May 6, 2016: Warner Bros. has pushed its Batman vs. Superman film release date to May 6, 2016 (2014-01-17)
Amy Adams Talks Playing Lois Lane to Henry Cavill's Superman: Amy Adams auditioned for two prior films to play Lois Lane and finally landed the part in the new film, Man of Steel. She talks about her dream role. (2013-06-05)
Trailer for Immortals Starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto and Mickey Rourke: Here is the first trailer for the movie Immortals which stars Henry Cavill as Theseus and Freida Pinto as the Oracle who helps him. (2011-04-27)