Stefon's Picks for Holiday Family Fun in New York City

Posted on December 11, 2011

Weekend Update City Correspondent Stefon (Bill Hader) shares with Seth Meyers his favorite place for family holiday fun in New York City. The first is the hottest club in New York, "Heeeeyyyy" where the bouncer is a bulldog who looks like Wilfred Brimley. The password to get in is "Diabetes."

His second pick is even more inappropriate for families. Stefon says, "If you're ordinary or love salt, New York's hottest holiday club is... [pretty much unpronounceable]. Openend and condemned in 1904, this seasonal psych ward was created by Hanukkah cartoon character, Menorah the Explorer. This place has everything: kiwis, spudweb, Clio Awards some guy's mom, plus a special showing of the African holiday classic, A Fish Called Kwanza."

Stefon is just a scream.

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