SNL Skit: Bronx Beat Starring Katy Perry, Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph

Posted on September 26, 2010

Katy Perry was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live last night. Amy Poehler was the host, so she and Maya Rudolph played the ditzy hosts of "Bronx Beat." Katy played the youthful Maureen Dichico who has "blossomed over the summer."

She was wearing an Elmo shirt that was split down the middle because of Maureen's ample cleavage. Amy quipped "It looks like tonight's episode is brought to you by the number 28 and the letters Double D. They said it was stupid that kids could see a dead guy on CSI with a worm in his eye, but couldn't look at boobs, in a swipe at Sesame's Street's cancellation of Katy's boobalicious Elmo duet. Take a look:

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